Friday, August 15, 2008

SQL Server Stored Procedures A Small Tutorial

Stored procedures are extremely useful objects.  Not only do they store T/SQL scripts for later execution, but they also provide us with an extremely important security barrier between the user interface and the database.  The security barrier is used to prevent the users from needing SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and/or DELETE rights directly to the database tables and views. 

This is done through what is called permissions chaining.  When a user has rights to execute a stored procedure they are given temporary rights to use the table objects within the procedures which are used by the table.
Creating stored procedures is very easy.  Take your Transact SQL code and put it below the CREATE PROCEDURE command, and end the batch.  Like all other database objects the name of the stored procedure must be unique within the schema (or owner for SQL 2000 and below).  As an example lets create a stored procedure which returns the names of all the tables in the current database.
SELECT schema_name(schema_id), name
FROM sys.tables

As you can see the basic syntax is very simple.  To run this stored procedure we simply run the stored procedure name.
exec ShowTables
You can add in input parameters to handle filtering, or which would need to be inserted into a table.  An input parameter is simply a variable which you set when you run the procedure.  You can access the value of the input parameter within the stored procedure as you would any other variable.  Let’s look at the same procedure but this time we want to filter the tables by the first letter.
  @FilterChar NVARCHAR(2)
SET @FilterChar = @FilterChar + ‘%’
SELECT schema_name(schema_id), name
FROM sys.tables
WHERE name LIKE @FilterChar

In this example as you can see we take the input parameter, and add the % wild card, then use the variable to filter down the records to see only the records which start with the character we supply.  Running the stored procedure with an input parameter is just as easy.
exec ShowTables @FilterChar=N'C'
We can also use output parameters to get values back from the stored procedures.  Output parameters are used basically in the same way that input parameters are, however you add the OUTPUT keyword after the parameter.  Within the stored procedure simply set the output variable to the value you want it to return to the calling code.  This can be done anywhere within the stored procedure, as long as the variable still holds the value when the stored procedure has completed it’s execution the value will be returned to the calling code.  First lets look at the code to create the stored procedure.
  @FilterChar NVARCHAR(2),
  @RowCount INT OUTPUT
SET @FilterChar = @FilterChar + ‘%’
SELECT schema_name(schema_id), name
FROM sys.tables
WHERE name LIKE @FilterChar
SET @RowCount = @@ROWCOUNT

We run the stored procedure in much the same way we do with the input parameter.
exec ShowTables @FilterChar=N’C', @RowCount=@RowCount OUTPUT
SELECT @RowCount
In this case we are simply returning the row count as a second record set, but you’ll get the basic idea.
As I wrote earlier you can add records to a table with the stored procedure.
  @Id INT,
  @Value VARCHAR(20)
(Id, Value)
(@Id, @Value)

As you can see it’s a very basic method.  It’s a regular insert statement with the parameters passed to it.

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